Events - Courses - Workshops

     The information that is gathered, processed, and distributed by the E.L.P.O. comes from several leading experts in the farrier and veterinary community, and is backed by practical applications that offer proven results. The Equine Lameness Prevention Organization has set up a variety of educational courses that are directed at and formulated for people that have different levels of involvement in the care of horses and their feet. We offer workshops for horse owners that cover some basic information in lay-person’s terms that can help them spot early warning signs of issues that lead to lameness, as well as ways to deal with current pathologies. For the horse owner that is interested in getting more details and some hands-on experience in caring for their horse’s feet, we offer basic hoof trimming courses that can give them the tools necessary to do basic trimming maintenance. For the professional hoof trimmer and farrier, the E.L.P.O. offers complete hoof trimming courses and advanced farrier courses that provide detailed training on the E.L.P.O. Hoof Care protocols. Along with the education offered through these higher-level courses, professional hoof trimmers and farriers can elect to take exams for the various certifications offered by the Equine Lameness Prevention Organization.

List of Courses Offered by the E.L.P.O.

(*Course are offered at various times throughout the year, so please see the panel to the right on this page for scheduled courses.)

Upcoming Events

E.L.P.O. Barefoot Hoofcare Skills Course (3 Day) - Spring #1 2025
March 13-15, 2025
E.L.P.O. Barefoot Hoofcare Skills Course (3 Day) - Spring #2 2025
April 10-12, 2025
E.L.P.O. Forging & Farrier Skills Course (3 Day) - Spring 2025
April 10-12, 2025